A Russian television channel that relocated from Moscow to Riga after Russia's invasion of Ukraine could lose its broadcast licence in Latvia after "repeated violations", the regulator said on Friday.
TV Rain was fined 10,000 euros ($10,500) on Friday for broadcasting a map which showed the Crimean peninsula, annexed from Ukraine, as part of Russia, the National Electronic Media Council said.
The regulator also launched a probe into TV Rain's call for viewers to provide "equipment to those Russians who are on the frontline", expressing "hope that we could help with equipment and basic amenities on the front".
Latvia's State Security Service also said in a statement that it was investigating the channel.
"Taking into account crimes committed by Russian occupying forces against Ukraine and its people, any material or financial support to the aggressor country is illegal and may lead to criminal liability for financing war and terrorism," it said.
TV Rain editor in chief Tikhon Dzyadko said the channel "does not engage in providing any help to the Russian army".
He said the channel was collecting information about Russian war crimes in Ukraine.
Latvian law states that TV channels can lose their licence if they break the law three times within a year.
The latest incident is the third since TV Rain relocated to Riga.