A window onto Justice Info’s editorial team

This was a first. Since the creation of Justice Info in 2015, its correspondents had never been able to get together, but it happened at the end of November. Not all of them were present at the team workshops followed by a public debate in Geneva on November 29, but this meeting will be repeated with another group of our 25 correspondents. Ten of them came from Europe, Africa and Latin America, marked in mind and body by different, powerful experiences of the world’s disorders and how transitional justice is trying to remedy them in their own countries. It is to them that Justice Info owes what it is: a go-to website of expertise based in the field. It is to them that Justice Info owes its reports, its lively human stories that bring reality home to our readers in the “North” and force them to look at the complexity. To give you a glimpse of some of their faces, their joy and passion for what they do, we are offering you this slideshow.

More information on this event can be found on the Fondation Hirondelle website, which published an article in December detailing certain aspects of these meetings.

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