Australia’s war crimes in Afghanistan: “I am one of them”

0 min 57Approximate reading time
“We’ve got to stop relearning the same lessons every time we deploy people into combat operations. There are reasons why that happens, but we’ve got to stop it”, says in an exclusive interview Major General Jeff Sengelman who led the Australian military operations in Afghanistan. Photo: © Australian Department of Defence.

“It was really ugly, and it continues to be hurtful, but we called ourselves out,” Major General Jeff Sengelman says. Today, we broadcast an exclusive interview with the man who played a key role in creating “the command climate”, as he says, for the opening of investigations into war crimes against Australian Special Forces in Afghanistan.

The “Brereton Inquiry” – named after Judge Paul Brereton who headed it - began in 2016. But the name and the role of Sengelman, who was the head of the Special Forces units of the Australian army in Afghanistan from 2014–2017, deserves to be known.

In this podcast by our partner, Asymmetrical Haircuts, the Australian General shares his unvarnished reflections as a stakeholder on accountability in a conflict. “It wears on me personally, and it’s probably the major reason I’m talking to you today,” Sengelman admits in what is his first interview since he has retired.

Asymmetrical Haircuts podcastASYMMETRICAL HAIRCUTS

This podcast has been published as part of a partnership between Justice Info and Asymmetrical Haircuts, a podcast on international justice produced from The Hague by journalists Janet Anderson and Stephanie van den Berg, who retain full control and independence over the contents of the podcast.

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