Arusha, September 6, 2001 (FH) - A new genocide trial started on September3rd before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), whileanother new case is set to begin on September 17th, according to theTribunal. The trial of Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda, former Minister of Higher Education inthe 1994 Rwandan interim government, was restarted from scratch onSeptember 3rd before a recomposed Trial Chamber Two of the ICTR.

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The courthas two new judges, following the death of its former presiding judge LaityKama in May, and the departure of another judge for the Appeals Court inThe Hague. On September 17th, Trial Chamber One will start the "Kibuye case". This isa joint trial of Elizaphan Ntakirutimana, former Pastor of the Seventh DayAdventist Church in Kibuye, western Rwanda, and his son GerardNtakirutimana, a former medical doctor in Kibuye. The two are jointly charged with genocide and crimes against humanity. Alsoindicted in this case is Charles Sikuwabo, who is still on the run. The Kamuhanda and Kibuye trials will proceed alongside five other casesalready in progress before the ICTR's three courts. The five cases are theMedia trial (Chamber One), Cyangugu, Semanza (both Trial Chamber Three),Kajelijeli and Butare trials (Trial Chamber Two). Trial Chamber OneThe so-called Media trial resumed on August 20th before Trial Chamber One,composed of judges Navanethem Pillay of South Africa (presiding), Eric Moseof Norway and Asoka de Zoysa Gunawardana of Sri Lanka. Judge Gunawardanawill also go to boost the ICTR and ICTY Appeals Court in The Hague, butwill remain on the bench in Arusha for this trial only. The Media case groups three suspects accused of having used the media toincite killings during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. They are: FerdinandNahimana, a founder of RTLM radio; Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza, a formerpolitician and board member of RTLM; and Hassan Ngeze, former editor of the"Kangura" newspaper. Their trial will be suspended again for the start of the Kibuye case. Forthe new trial, Judge Mose will preside, while new judge Andrésia Vaz is toreplace Judge Gunawardana. Trial Chamber TwoKamuhanda's case, currently in progress before Trial Chamber Two, will besuspended for resumption of the Kajelijeli trial on October 1st. Juvénal Kajelijeli is a former mayor of Mukingo, northwest Rwanda. Histrial was restarted on July 25th this year. After resuming on October 1st,this case is scheduled to adjourn on October 5th and resume on November26th. Eight out of an expected 15 prosecution witnesses have so fartestified. The joint trial of six political leaders and prominent persons charged withgenocide and crimes against humanity in Butare, southern Rwanda, willresume on October 22nd before Trial Chamber Two. The Butare trial groups former Minister for Family and Women's AffairsPauline Nyiramasuhuko and her son Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, former Butareprefects Sylvain Nsabimana and Alphonse Nteziryayo and former mayors ofNgoma Joseph Kanyabashi and Muganza, Elie Ndayambaje. Trial Chamber Two is now composed of Judges William Hussein Sekule ofTanzania (presiding), Arlette Ramaroson of Madagascar and Winston ChurchillMatanzima Maqutu of Lesotho. Trial Chamber ThreeThe so-called Cyangugu trial is set to resume on September 10th beforeTrial Chamber Three, composed of judges Lloyd George Williams presiding (StKitts and Nevis), Yakov Ostrovsky (Russia) and Pavel Dolenc (Slovenia). This case groups three former leaders from Cyangugu, southwest Rwanda:former prefect Emmanuel Bagambiki, former Transport Minister AndréNtagerura and military leader Samuel Imanishimwe. The Cyangugu trial is alternating with that of former mayor of Bicumbi(central Rwanda) Laurent Semanza. Semanza's trial is set to resume onOctober 1st, when the defence is expected to begin its case. It will run upto October 9th when it will be adjourned before resuming on October 22nd. A defence motion is meanwhile due to be heard on Friday, September 7th,seeking an extension of time for document disclosure in Semanza's case. SW/JC/FH (ICTR0905e)