Arusha, February 4, 2003 (FH) - The trial of former Rwandan Minister for Higher Education and genocide suspect Jean de Dieu Kamuhanda has been going on in closed session for three consecutive days at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. The trial has been held in closed session since last Thursday, January 30th.

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The case being heard before Trial Chamber Two of the ICTR continued in camera on Tuesday with the testimony of a defence witness dubbed PC. On Monday, the chamber also sat in closed session the whole day. The chamber on Thursday, January 30th, heard the testimony of two defence witnesses EM and CPE, behind closed doors with only less than an hour ofopen session. The trial was also held in camera entirely on January 16th during the testimony of a witness named GPE. Kamuhanda's trial resumed after the judicial break on January 13th with the evidence of the eighth defence witness. Rule 79 of the ICTR provides that a trial chamber may order proceedings to be held in closed session for public order or morality, safety, security or nondisclosure of the identity of a victim or witness, and the protection of the interests of justice. The trial is before Trial Chamber II composed of Judges William Hussein Sekule of Tanzania (presiding), Arlette Ramaroson (Madagascar) Winston Churchill Matanzima Maqutu (Lesotho)PJ/CE/FH (KH0204e)