Arusha, January 10, 2002 (FH) - Trial Chamber III at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda(ICTR) will on Monday continue deliberations on the judgement of genocide suspect and former mayor of Bicumbi, Laurent Semanza. According to the ICTR judicial calendar, Trial Chamber III will deliberate on the case until 17th January.

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The case opened on October 16th, 2000 and was closed on June 19, 2002. The prosecutor and the defence each presented 24 witnesses. Semanza, 59, is charged with four counts of genocide and crimes against humanity in connection with killings committed in Bicumbi commune and the neighbouring commune of Gikoro during the 1994 genocide. He has pleaded not guilty. He was arrested in Cameroon in 1996. The trial is before judges Yakov Ostrovsky of Russia (presiding), George Lloyd Williams of SaintKitts and Nevis and Pavel Dolenc of Slovenia. AT/GG/CE/FH(SE'0110e)