The trials in original jurisdiction are Butare, Government II, Karemera, Bikindi and Zigiranyirazo, and those in appeal are Media, Simba and Muvunyi.
The Butare Affair, named for the southern Rwandan region, has been ongoing since 2001. It will continue throughout the month of November. Currently, the defence is presenting its case. Six accused are concerned in the trial: Pauline Nyiramasuhuko, ex-Minister of Family and Feminine Advancement, her son Arsène Shalom Ntahobali, a former university student accused of having led a militia during the genocide, Sylvain Nsabimana and Alphonse Nteziryayo, former prefects, and former mayors Joseph Kanyabashi and Elie Ndayambaje.
Government II has been ongoing since 2003. It concerns four former ministers. This trial is likewise at the defence presentation stage. The accused are former Minister of Health Casimir Bizimungu, Commerce Minister Justin Mugenzi, International Affairs Minister Jérôme Bicamumpaka, and Minister of Public Functions Prosper Mugiraneza. The trial is scheduled for 1 November to 9 November.
Karemera began in September 2005. This trial concerns three accused, all members of the management committee of the former party in power. Edouard Karemera was vice-president of the party, Matthew Ngirumpatse was its president, and Joseph Nzirorera was secretary general. The judges will sit for the affair during the entire month. They will continue to hear witnesses for the prosecution.
Simon Bikindi, a musician accused of inciting genocide through his biased works, has been on trial since September 2006. He is at the point of closure for his defence. The trial is scheduled from 1 November to 9 November.
Protais Zigiranyirazo, a favourite of former President Juvénal Habyarimana, has been on trial since October 2005. He is currently presenting his defence. The trial will continue from 19 November to 30 November. From 12 to 16 November, the judges will be in Rwanda to visit sites listed in the indictment.
Concerning audiences before the court of appeals, the calendar forecasts 28 November as the judgement date for the Media affair, concerning three former media leaders.
In December 2003, the trial court sentenced to life imprisonment Ferdinand Nahimana and Hassan Ngeze, and to 35 years in prison Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza. They appealed. Nahimana, a historian, and Barayagwiza, a jurist, were members of the enterprise committee of Radio-Télévision Libre des Milles Collines (RTLM), and Hassan Ngeze was director and editor-in-chief of the newspaper Kangura. Judges concluded that the two media outlets incited genocide.
On 27 November, the appeals court will render its judgement in the case concerning Aloys Simba, a retired officer condemned to 25 years in prison at the conclusion of his original trial on 13 December 2005.
The same day, the appeals court will hear both sides' arguments in the case of Lieutenant-Colonel Tharcisse Muvunyi, sentenced to 12 years of prison at the conclusion of his original trial on 12 September 2006.
On 21 November, the appellate court of Paris will consider the transfer request of two Rwandans, Wenceslas Munyeshieka and Laurent Bucyibaruta. An ICTR delegation recently went to Paris to make clear the prosecutor's requests. The file has been ongoing since the summer. A decision is also expected in Paris on 7 November for the former sub-prefect Dominique Ntawukuriryayo.
© Hirondelle News Agency
Arusha, 1 November 2007 (FH) - Eight trials, of which three are in the appeal stage, are set for the month of November at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which judges the alleged leaders of the 1994 genocide.
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