In 1994, Doctor Jeanne-Marie Nduwamariya worked at Kabutare Hospital, not far away from the teaching hospital of Butare (Southwestern Rwanda).
Thursday, the Gacaca Court reached the conclusion that she had commissioned killers to slay a Tutsi woman named Chantal. However, according to LIPRODHOR, the killers did not find Chantal in the designated hide-out.
The Doctor's husband, who is himself a physician, was already convicted in absentia by the same Gacaca Court. The couple fled Rwanda in the aftermath of the genocide.
Inspired by Rwandan tradition, the Gacaca Courts (gacaca meaning "lawn") are charged with trying alleged participants in the 1994 genocide, with the notable exception of "planners at the national level". The courts are presided not by professional judges, but by local notables who command high esteem.
Gacaca Courts are entitled to inflict life imprisonment, the harshest sentence in Rwanda.