Arusha, January 14, 2011 (FH) - The hearing of genocide case involving former Rwandan military officer, Captain Ildephonse Nizeyimana commences next Monday before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

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The prosecution expects to call 50 witnesses to support charges against the defendant.

Captain Nizeyimana, who was second in command in charge of intelligence and military operations of Non-commissioned Officers School (ESO) in the southern town of Butare (South Rwanda), is facing six charges of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes including extermination, murder and rape.

The defendant allegedly conspired with other military personnel, members of the government, political leaders, civil servants and others in Rwanda to work out a plan for the extermination of Tutsis.

The indictment among others alleged that Captain Nizeyimana ordered soldiers from ESO, Ngoma and gendarmerie camps and armed civilians to kill Queen Rosalie Gicanda, the widower of the last but one Rwandan King Mutara III Rudahigwa on or about April 21, 1994.

‘'Soldiers acting under the orders or authorization of Ildephonse Nizeyimana forcibly removed and killed Rosalie  Gicanda and other persons who were residing at her home,'' states part of the indictment.

Other allegation leveled against the accused indicates that the defendant also instigated and ordered those soldiers and Interahamwe militias to kill many Tutsi civilians at Butare University and Butare hospital with words to the effect that ‘'no Tutsi should remain.''

According to the indictment, ‘'The accused issued orders to FAR soldiers stationed in Butare prefecture at both Ngoma camp and ESO, to kill Tutsis generally but specifically to rape Tutsi women and then kill them''.

Following the order, Tutsi women and girls were raped at various places in Butare prefecture including at the Butare University, Butare hospital and at the residence of Queen Rosalie Gicanda.    

Among suspects with whom he allegedly jointly committed the crimes is Lieutenant Ildephonse Hategekimana, former commander of Ngoma military camp who has been sentenced to life imprisonment at ICTR after he was found guilty of genocide and murder and rape as crimes against humanity on December 6, 2010.

Nizeyimana was arrested in Uganda on October 5, 2009 and transferred to the UN Detention facility in Arusha, Tanzania the following day.


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