Confirmation of charges hearing for Mbarushimana starts: The session for confirmation of charges hearing in the case of Callixte Mbarushimana, the alleged Executive Secretary of the Forces Démocratiques pour la Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) since July 2007, takes off on September 16. He is charged with crimes against humanity (murder, torture, rape, inhumane acts and persecution) and war crimes (attacks against the civilian population, destruction of property, murder, torture, rape and inhuman treatment) allegedly committed in 2009 in the Kivu Province (Eastern part of Democratic Republic of Congo).
Defence case for former Congolese militia leader continues: Presentation of defence case for former rebel leader of the National Integrationist Front, Mathieu Ngudjolo, continues between September 12 and 16, 2011. Ngudjolo is charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes for his alleged role - alongside Germain Katanga - in the attack of Bogoro (Ituri, Eastern DRC) on February 24, 2003 where over 200 people were killed. He is expected to call more witnesses.
Continuation of Bemba's trial: Between September 12 and 16, 2011, excluding September 14, the prosecution is expected to continue presenting its case against Jean-Pierre Bemba, a Congolese senator and leader of the Movement for the Liberation of Congo, who is charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes for his alleged command responsibility in crimes committed by his troops in Central African Republic between 2002 and 2003.
Ex-Youth Minister trial reopens: There would be resumption of trial for former Youth Minister Callixte Nzabonimana, on September 12. The Tribunal is expected to hear additional evidence from two defence witnesses. The prosecution will cross-examined them in the session that will run until September 16, following admission of their written statements in favor of the accused.
Continuation of Kabuga's special deposition: On Tuesday (September 13) there would be continuation of special deposition proceedings in the case of Felicien Kabuga, the most wanted genocide-fugitive, after the last session which recommenced on September 6, at The Hague, Netherlands. Judge Vagn Joensen, the ICTR vice-president, is conducting the proceedings in camera. The proceedings, which began on May 23, 2011, do not amount to trial, but the exercise is being conducted to preserve evidence for future trial in case the alleged financier of the genocide is arrested. Kabuga is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide, public and direct incitement to commit genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
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