Katanga/Ngudjolo: Presentation of the defence case for Congolese militiamen Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo continues on Monday. The hearing will run until October 14 and Ngudjolo is expected to continue giving his own evidence after the testimony of Katanga, who has denied, among others, his presence in Bogoro, the day he allegedly led an attack of the village. The two men are charged with crimes against humanity and war crimes for their alleged role in the attack of Bogoro (Ituri, Eastern DRC) on February 24, 2003 when over 200 people were killed.
Rwanda's Former Planning Minister: The trial of Augustin Ngirabatware continues on Monday. The defence is expected to call on more witnesses to challenge charges of conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide or, in the alternative, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity. So far 24 witnesses have testified to support the defendant's defence.
Special deposition regarding Félicien Kabuga: on Monday, special hearings are due to continue to preserve evidence against most-wanted ICTR fugitive Félicien Kabuga, who is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide, public and direct incitement to commit genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
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