Ntaganzwa remains at large. He is charged with conspiracy to commit genocide, genocide, complicity in genocide, direct and public incitement to commit genocide and crimes against humanity.
This is the fourth case to be transferred to Rwanda following those of Jean Uwinkindi and of fugitives Fulgence Kayishema and Charles Sikuwabo.
Five previous requests of transfers had been rejected since 2007, on ground that the country didn’t meet the conditions for organizing fair trials. Since then, Rwanda has made several changes in its judicial system to comply with ICTR requirements.
The Referral Chamber expressed in a press release “its solemn hope that the Republic of Rwanda, in accepting referrals from this Tribunal, will put into practice the commitments it has made about its good faith, capacity, and willingness to enforce the highest standards of international justice”.
The ICTR is currently deliberating a request for the transfer of another detainee, former militiaman Bernard Munyagishari, to Rwanda for trial. He is now the only detainee in its custody still awaiting trial. The Tribunal is striving to conclude all its first-instance trials by July 2012.