This website will no longer be updated. After 20 years of covering international criminal justice, Hirondelle News Agency is pleased to hand over to Justiceinfo.net, a new Fondation Hirondelle project on transitional justice. Please go to:http://www.justiceinfo.net/en


Both Hirondelle News Agency and Justiceinfo.net are projects of Fondation Hirondelle, Media for Peace and Human Dignity. 

JusticeInfo.Net is a multimedia platform, a free service in English and French. It is a project of Fondation Hirondelle in collaboration with Oxford Transitional Justice Research (Oxford University, UK) and Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (Harvard University, US). It aims to help promote understanding of conflict causes and forms of transitional justice (Truth Commissions, tribunals, reparations programmes). How does a society rebuild after mass violence? How do you move from a divided society to a more inclusive one? These are essential questions concerning Germany and Japan after World War Two just as much as dozens of societies today, from the Central African Republic to Colombia, the Balkans to the Gaza Strip.

Justiceinfo.net is aimed at, and gives voice to lawyers, victims, civil society activists, members of Truth Commissions, researchers and all those interested in issues of justice following political violence.

Hirondelle News Agency published its first dispatch in 1997. It was originally set up to cover the work of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and other trials related to the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. Since then it has also extended its coverage to the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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