Your view on Justice Info - Our 2020 survey, little by little

In order to further improve Justice Info, many projects are in the making for 2021 and you can help us to implement them. Your opinion is key. Getting to know you better is also important. If you are running out of time, we have segmented our large survey into several parts. Each week: 3 new questions. Thank you for your participation. We are counting on you!

Your view on Justice Info - Our 2020 survey, little by little
Scroll down a little to access the survey questions. ©

To participate in the quick survey, answer the 3 questions in the window below.
If you prefer to complete the full survey, click on this link.

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Discover our first WhatsApp Channel and receive real-time notification of every publication posted on our website, with a summary and extracts or quotes. Every evening, you'll have access to our review of the day's AFP dispatches. At the end of each week, a summary of our publications.