François Sergent
François Sergent was editor-in-chief of Justice Info from its launch in 2015 until the summer of 2018. During this time he published numerous articles on transitional justice. He has a career in the world of journalism and has been assistant editor of the newspaper Libération. In particular, he held the positions of correspondent in London and Washington, head of the World Service, editor-in-chief. From 2009 to 2013 he is a member of the Thematic Council at the Geneva Film and Human Rights Film Festival (FIFDH). François Sergent studied in Paris where he obtained his degree in Political Science, in Advanced Studies in Economics completed by a degree in History at the Sorbonne.
Week in Review: A difficult path to truth and remembrance
This week showed some of the different faces of transitional justice. In Colombia, a new peace accord was finally ratified, whilst Tunisia continued public hearings of former regime victims, and debate continued in Rwanda over the role of the Catholic Church in the 1994 genocide. After signing the Colombian peace accord, President Juan Manuel Santos […]
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