Olivier Truc


Olivier Truc has lived in Sweden since 1994. For 25 years, he was a correspondent covering current affairs, particularly legal affairs, in the Baltic and Nordic countries for various French-language media, including Le Point, Libération and, most recently, Le Monde for 12 years, a newspaper to which he still occasionally contributes. A journalist, he is also the author of a dozen stories and novels, a scriptwriter, a TV documentary maker and a trainer in journalistic techniques.

Lundin trial: the prosecutor counter-attacks

In Stockholm, the trial of Lundin oil company executives accused of complicity in war crimes in Sudan between 1997 and 2003 is now giving the stand to witnesses. But before that, the prosecutor, under fire from the defence for the last five months, had the opportunity at the end of May to counterattack where it […]
By Olivier Truc (our correspondent in Sweden)
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