Since June 2015, Pierre Hazan is the editorial advisor of He is also a Special Advisor in Transitional Justice with the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD), a Lecturer at the Geneva University of Art and Design and a Professor at the Academy of Journalism and Media at the University of Neuchâtel. In the past years, he worked with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. A former diplomatic correspondent specialized in international justice and humanitarian action for the daily newspapers Libération (Paris) and Le Temps (Geneva), Pierre Hazan has been an attentive observer of many conflicts (former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, the Middle East, etc.). ). Associate researcher at Harvard Law School (2005), then at the United States Institute for Peace in Washington (2006), he has published numerous books, including La justice face à la guerre (Stock, 2000), Juger la guerre, juger l’histoire (PUF, 2007), La paix contre la justice ? (AVE/GRIP 2010).