Our news on Mali, clear and analytic
The war has been raging in Mali since 2012. The country is plagued by jihadist attacks, foreign military interventions, and mass violence such as war crimes and crimes against humanity. The death toll of victims keeps rising. Peace initiatives have failed, and justice, whether national or international, has been struggling to find its place. Mali is going through a security, humanitarian, and political crisis, within which the Truth Commission of Mali has great difficulties in carrying out its work an shedding light on the various reported human rights violations (murders, rapes, abductions, destruction of mausoleums, etc.) an considering possible reparations in a particularly unstable context. The International Criminal Court (ICC) is also engaged in Mali through the cases of Al Mahdi and Al Hassan. The latter is still under trial in The Hague. Justice Info’s articles address this multifaceted current situation through our correspondents who decipher the information on the ground. Additionally, our network of experts delivers the insightful, independent analyses in matters of justice.