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Morroco - News according to Justice Info

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Our news in Morocco, clear and analytic

In Morocco, justice is being served for acts committed during the "lead years", when the Moroccan government brutally repressed all forms of political opposition to the regime of King Hassan II (ruler of Morocco from 1961 to 1999), particularly left-wing movements and independence groups. Serious human rights violations were committed, including arbitrary arrests, torture, enforced disappearances and extrajudicial executions. Victims remain frustrated as the reconciliation process remains incomplete. The Equity and Reconciliation Commission (IER) was set up in Morocco in 2004 with the aim of shedding light on the crimes committed, establishing the truth about these events and making recommendations for reparation to the victims. But the institution is still criticised for its lack of inclusion, its failure to respond to victims' requests, and the question of responsibility and prosecution of the perpetrators. Nor has any progress been made in the work of remembering the years of darkness. Justice Info and its international justice experts cover developments in transitional justice in Morocco.