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Total : 323 results found
Syrian trials in Europe: “They give a distorted perception of the crimes perpetrated”
...of the Syrian regime, we have seen indisputable evidence of its crimes. Despite that, [president] Bashar al-Assad remains in power. And some countries which called…
Activists demand mental decolonization in Greenland
...921 voted for the statue to remain, thus cementing the statue to its current position. Why the indifference of the majority On the day after…
Bled by armed groups, Congo’s Virunga Park wants justice
...for failing to prevent their men killing wild animals, they pledged to protect wildlife,” says Major Williams Mulahya Hassan of the military prosecutor's office in…
Mali: a second jihadist trial opens at the ICC
Today marks the symbolic opening in The Hague of the trial of Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed Ag Mahmoud, the second Malian jihadist…
The legacy of Srebrenica and the bitter victories of genocide their fathers: “What have you done during the Third Reich”? Yes, I can. However, this will not evoke shame or guilt but pride or…
Special Tribunal for Lebanon: Billion dollar trial
...who has never been arrested. In 2011 the prosecutor filed a confidential indictment against Salim Jamil Ayyash, Mustafa Amine Badreddine, Hussein Hassan Oneissi and Assad…
Syria: Why Dutch prosecutors link terrorism and war crimes
...Syrian army officer Al-Khedr became "Abu Khuder" when he took up arms against Bashar Al-Assad's regime in 2011. He reportedly led the Ghuraba'a Mohassan ("Foreigners…
Most wanted
...illness that Mpiranya supposedly died of, or where he allegedly died. Two months after the book's publication in December 2010, ICTR Prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow…
Palestine Situation before the ICC: reflections and views of Israel
...unrelated to their thoughts, dreams, aspirations, talents, wrongs and faults, actions, indifference. How do you count these victims? Those who get on a bus and…
"For the first time, torture committed by the Assad regime will be discussed in a court" to go on trial, charged with complicity in crimes against humanity. When he was head of the investigative section at the infamous “Al-Khattib” branch…