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Total : 323 results found
Covid-19: should we release vulnerable convicts?
...convicted persons have been granted early release. "I have visited prisons in Benin and Mali where ICTR convicts are serving their sentences,” says Robinson. “The…
Sudan: peace before justice?
...Hassan al-Tayishi made a stunning statement, saying Sudan was ready to accept the appearance of Omar Al-Bashir and his co-defendants before the International Criminal Court…
Looking to keep transitional justice archives safe? Call the Swiss
...leave all the records in the country because various governments come and go and they may not want evidence to continue to exist,” she says.…
"The Seychelles Commission is not a court, it seeks to bridge divisions"
...and obtain evidence directly from them. This method has been used in relation to the disappearances of Gilbert Morgan and Hassan Ali and is being…
Political tussle over truth and memory in Colombia
...led many to believe that Colombia has already advanced much towards building the truth. These are also the reports that the TRC has used to…
Dominic Ongwen: the ICC’s Poster and Problem Child
...was just published by Oxford University Press. THIJS BOUWKNEGT Thijs Bouwknegt is a historian and former journalist. He is a Researcher at the NIOD Institute…
Rwanda tribunal residual body fails to catch fugitives
...arrested, these three "big fish” would be tried by the Mechanism, while the other five fugitives would be handed over to the Rwandan judicial authorities.…
Gambia: When Jammeh was turning crocodile
...agree, they will feed my flesh to the crocodiles,” said Keita. Former Gambian leader had a crocodile pool at his residence in Kanilai. Despite daily…
Lessons from the Greenlandic reconciliation process
...almost complete indifference towards the end, which ultimately impaired the process substantially. However, while the association to Hammond clearly made it difficult for the GRC…
Tunisia and the repression of left-wing youth
...were cited several times during the two hearings: Abd Elaziz Tabka, Abd Elkader Tabka, Massoud El Hajji, Hassan Abid, Mohamed Ennaceur, Abd Essalam Dargouth (alias…