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Total : 323 results found
How Guantanamo came to haunt the U.S. at the ICC
...that it would not be in the ‘interests of justice’ to pursue the case . Katherine is representing two men currently held at Guantanamo Bay…
Ongwen trial: can the victims see a light at the end of the road? Or this great article from Thijs Bouwknegt placing Ongwen in the Ugandan conflict context. ASYMMETRICAL HAIRCUTS This podcast has been published as part of…
Socioeconomic oppression and the need to rethink transitional justice of many measures for addressing past abuses but as the transitional justice mechanism in the country, into which other efforts feed. Taking a cue…
Canada’s Indigenous children and the price of reconciliation the wall of Canadian indifference," sighs Ledoux. The government's challenge is "morally and ethically unacceptable," says France-Isabelle Langlois, Executive Director of Amnesty International for…
Sudan: If Al-Bashir can’t go to the ICC, will the ICC go to Al-Bashir?
...meeting in South Sudan’s capital Juba that included ‘the appearance of those who face arrest warrants before the International Criminal Court’, said Mohamed al-Hassan al-Taishi,…
Can the Kosovo Specialist Chambers do better than its predecessors?
...Albanians who were targets of the KLA. Yet, targeting only the perpetrators of crimes from one side will eventually feed […] a sense of injustice…
Central African Republic: National court gets tough on Bangassou crimes
...the national authorities on these issues but the work we are doing can gradually feed the discussions and push the national authorities to integrate new…
Tricky task for Belgian jurors to judge a Rwandan for genocide
...BOUWKNEGT Thijs Bouwknegt is a historian and former journalist. He is a Researcher at the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies in Amsterdam,…
Pass the parcel at the ICC
...nine experts – who include the least surprising names of former prosecutors Richard Goldstone and Hassan Jallow, former chief of prosecutions and Chief Justice of…
Malian victims to get a voice for a day
...Guissé, Executive Director of Amnesty International in Mali, agrees that victims in more remote parts of Mali have difficulty accessing the TJRC, but says "the…