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Total : 323 results found
Sexual violence persists in CAR without justice, but what form of justice is needed?
...the small number of organizations that feed it and do not cover the entire country. It is nevertheless a reliable and relevant source, particularly concerning…
The Seychelles Truth Commission hears about the 1977 coup
...was especially about the deaths of several individuals who were killed during the coup and under the one-party system – including Hassan Ali (a prominent…
Françoise Mathe: The traps of universal jurisdiction
...kind of convergence between an institution which, like all institutions, wants to survive, function, improve, get its teeth into something, and States which feed it…
ICC/Uganda: “Ongwen was and still is a victim,” says lawyer
...victims of LRA, who hardly have what to eat and feed after they lost everything to the rebels? Holding a trial outside (the country) when…
Christel Cournil: Now is the time to link the climate issue to human rights
JUSTICEINFO.NET IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS Christel Cournil Professor of public law at Sciences Po Toulouse, co-author of “Les procès climatiques : entre le national et l’international” (2018). Swedish…
Does the Liberian president really want a war crimes court?
...However, more work has to be done.” And Hassan Bility, director of the Global Justice and Research Project in Liberia, thinks things are shifting, even…
A Central African journalist at the ICC
...The Hague are available on the website of Radio Ndeke Luka at the following links: Que savoir d'une audience de confirmation des charges ? Justice…
Lebanon: new indictment, old troubles
...charges. Three days following the initial indictments in 2011, Hezbollah’s secretary-general Hassan Nasrallah famously vowed that the “honorable brothers” – Ayyash and the four other…
The best of JusticeInfo, from january to july 2019 of the International Criminal Court (ICC) for “Facts and Figures”, are you properly informed? Not really. We checked the court’s basic information as presented…
Reparations at the ICC: can it really serve as a model?
...and in the Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi case (Mali), economic packages for victims along with collective and symbolic measures were ordered to maximise limited funds. States…