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Total : 323 results found
Gambia: “The media was the most persecuted institution under Jammeh”
...Bamako, Mali. While there, she released a statement on behalf of the GPU, indicating the Gambian government had a hand in Hydara’s death. All GPU…
Will Fatou Bensouda face the Truth Commission in Gambia? dirty that vultures came to feed on you. Soldiers had to come and kill them," he said. Heavier charges, violations of rights Jallow was…
ICC: Bosco Ntaganda found guilty 18 times
...jihadist to face trial for demolishing Timbuktu's fabled shrines, as well as for rape, torture and sex slavery. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz Ag Mohamed…
Early release of ICTR convicts: the practice beyond the outrage
...the early release of three ICTR genocide convicts, Aloys Simba, Dominique Ntawukulilyayo and Hassan Ngeze. The prospect of these génocidaires being freed before ending their…
In Mali, the truth commission opens the debate on reparations
...Justice and Reconciliation Commission of Mali (CVJR), during a press briefing following the seminar. “It will be up to the Government of Mali to propose…
Who are the key players at Gambia’s Truth Commission
...with Gambia’s current Chief Justice Hassan Jallow who was then chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. Tambadou was Jallow’s special assistant. Tambadou…
Welcome to the ICC “Facts and figures”
...Mohammed Abuminyar Kadhafi, Saif Al-Islam Kadhafi, Abdullah Al-Senussi, Al-Tuhamy Mohamed Khaled, Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf Al-Werfalli. Mali (2) : Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, Al Hassan…
Côte d’Ivoire: Victims say reparations so far are not enough
...been killed. I'm old now. I can no longer do small jobs to feed the children. I know that the President is thinking of us…
Plot twists at the ICC for Jean-Pierre Bemba
...six planes in Kinshasa, a couple more villas, a Boeing 727 aircraft and a river cruiser. Thijs Bouwknegt researcher at NIOD Institute and assistant professor…
Putting an end to ICC inertia on Ukraine
...commanders and key cadre will feed evidence into the broader enquiry and help to build stronger cases against those up the chain of hierarchy. This…