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Total : 323 results found
Andreas Schüller : Why justice on Syria is very dynamic
...the one hand, we have cases based on opportunity because perpetrators happen to be in one or the other country, and most of these are…
Germany, France arrest 3 Syrians for crimes against humanity
...are now pending in Germany against the Assad regime. Last year, German prosecutors issued an international arrest warrant for Jamil Hassan, a top Syrian official…
Liking genocide on Facebook
...algorithms in such a way that it promotes hateful content and inciteful content to the top of someone’s news feed, you’re doing more than being…
Gbagbo – an acquittal foretold
...who have contributed to the unnecessary humiliation of his accusers at the ICC. THIJS BOUWKNEGT Thijs Bouwknegt is a historian and former journalist. He is…
Guantanamo: Into the heart of a judicial Frankenstein sober, the tone of the article meticulous, but the reading of “Plongée au cœur des procès pénaux de Guantanamo” (into the heart of the…
Mali and the difficulty of seeking truth under fire
Mali’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission is coming to the end of its three-year mandate. But it is only just starting to deploy in the…
International crimes: Spotlight on Germany’s war crimes unit
...September, the leader of a militia in Aleppo, Ibrahim Al F., was sentenced to life in prison over torture, war crimes and other acts. In…
Rohingya: A genocide a century in the making
...argues that the crisis isn’t simply a consequence of poor laws and political indifference, but rather a combination of legal inaction, past colonial histories, political…
ICC: What’s on the menu for 2019
...year, but judges will first be deciding whether the prosecution has done enough to make a case to answer. Al Hassan Ag Abdoul Aziz, the…
Mali: Should there be amnesty or not?
In Mali, human rights activists are demanding withdrawal of a draft law on “national understanding” which would grant amnesty to perpetrators of crimes linked to…