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Total : 323 results found
Rohingya: Why the ICC was right and what it must do
...of the human rights system can strain to resist the global drift into authoritarianism and indifference. No justification for a long preliminary examination The ICC…
Gbagbo: Is there a case to answer?,” said Thijs Bouwknegt, assistant professor of the University of Amsterdam who has followed the trial closely. The “farfetched” scenario of a common plan It…
A new, more intuitive website for Justice Info
...JusticeInfo has three fields of activity which feed and support each other: producing and disseminating information; training local journalists to cover these sensitive mechanisms and…
Lebanon Tribunal: What is a trial without suspects for? the dock. In fact, the four defense teams have never spoken to their clients, who remain at large. Salim Jamil Ayyash, Hassan Habib Merhi,…
Week in Review (from 17 to 22/09/2018)
...solid, the ICC Prosecutor has stressed in other cases that “child soldiers are traumatized by default, just by being child soldiers”, University of Amsterdam assistant…
Dominic Ongwen, the imperfect poster child of the ICC
...The Hague, this former abductee turned LRA henchman has been the prosecution’s Uganda poster child. A perpetrator and a victim The case against him was…
Revising the past: A Swiss response to a global debate
...that inhabited him, helping to feed and back the disease of racism which our societies have not yet wiped out. It is to the “Take…
Week in Review: Myanmar regime and Liberian warlords under pressure feed a formidable debate on the social choices facing the country. In an enlightening interview, Colibe member Slim Laghmani explains with clarity the issues…
Rohingya crisis: ICC steps in
...Mali. The Myanmar army in the mainly Buddhist nation has denied any allegations, saying its campaign has been a legitimate response to Rohingya militant attacks…
Week in Review: Retrial for Rwandan ex-minister, appeal for Rohingya children
...truth seeking, the need for reparations and reform,” he writes. Difficult peace process in Mali In Mali, one of the main challenges facing newly re-elected…