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Total : 323 results found
Unpacking the request for early release by three Rwanda genocide prisoners
...are more favourable towards early release, this can have influence on the decision. Two of those who have applied for early release are serving their…
Belongings and belonging: the precious objects gathered by fleeing Rohingya
...them so I could feed the babies. They cry a lot when they are hungry." I miss school Mohammad Khares, a diligent pupil with dreams…
Week in Review: Mali elections raise hopes
The eyes of the world are on Mali, where voters went to the polls on Sunday July 29 in presidential elections. It is hoped these…
Peace accord criticized as Malians go to the polls
...Islamist and his Ansardine group occupied northern Mali along with other armed terrorist groups (Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Movement for Uniqueness and Jihad in…
Week in Review: Bangui rejects hate message, Euro-MPs make an appeal
...and Muslims in the Central African Republic.” Another country in need of justice and reconciliation is Mali, where an election campaign launched on July 7…
Week in Review: Views on the ICC and violence in Mali
...distance between the Court and realities on the ground”. Indeed, after three years, the investigations seem at a standstill, while victims are still demanding justice.…
Swiss judge delivers harsh criticism of Lebanon Tribunal
...George W. Bush. They thought Syrian president Bashar al Assad had ordered the attack, as well as the assassinations of other Lebanese figures opposed to…
Week in Review: ICC and universal jurisdiction slowly making a mark
...obstacle is the indifference of which we are all guilty. “Indifference to reconciliation processes, the slow work of Truth Commissions, the interminable trials of the…
OPINION: Justice and press freedom go hand in hand
...indifference, and here we are all guilty. Indifference to the reconciliation processes, the slow work of Truth Commissions, the interminable trials of the International Criminal…
What exactly are foreign troops protecting in the Sahel?
...French forces, largely welcomed in Mali in 2013, are now facing growing public criticism Germany’s contribution of 1 000 soldiers to the United Nations Multidimensional…