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Total : 323 results found
ICC: Reparation process “makes the Court to be relevant to society, beyond the Courtroom”
...are the most important sources of information. In addition, the arrest and transfer of Al Hassan is a potential game-changer. He is a son of…
Week in Review: Gambia forgotten, CAR at risk
...Hissène Habré. Mali and the CAR Another country experiencing a difficult transition is Mali, as Serge Michailof from our partner The Conversation explains. According to…
Myanmar and the Southeast Asian press squeeze
...our Rakhine State, there are people who force-feed hatred among the communities,” he said. However, he added that young people are determined to stand up…
Week in Review: Victims feel ignored in Mali, Gambia and Tunisia
The appearance of the former Islamist police chief of Timbuktu (northern Mali) before the International Criminal Court (ICC) was a highlight of this week in…
Mali should have helped fund rebuilding of Timbuktu heritage, says local archaeologist
In 2012, Jihadist groups seized northern Mali. They occupied the town of Timbuktu, intellectual capital of the Sahara and crossroads of different cultures and religions.…
As the Red Dust Settles: Mali Confronts the Truth about a Legacy of War achieve the unthinkable: bring splintered communities of Mali together for a national effort of truth and reconciliation. The Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission of…
Week in Review: ICC withdrawals and fragile transitional justice a climate of suspicion and bad governance.” Meanwhile in Mali, UN independent expert Suliman Baldo told our partner Studio Tamani in Bamako that the…
Democratic recession and transitional justice
...Ra’ad Al Hussein has decided not to seek a second term. The decision is emblematic of the current geopolitical context. Implications for transitional justice These…
Switzerland : Is the Abacha accord a model for returning ‘dictator funds’?
...took 60 rulings from the Swiss Federal Supreme Court before the funds could be returned. First restitution 1997, Moussa Traoré (Mali), CHF3.9 million: The sum…
ICC under fire for internal mismanagement
...bill is not insignificant. It amounts to some 660,000 Euros, plus at least 100,000 Euros in administrative costs, which is the equivalent of six months’…