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Total : 323 results found
Week in Review: Reconciliation as the key to a successful transition
In the wide domain of “transitional justice”, reconciliation processes are the key to transition, as we see in many countries. Mali, for example, is showing…
Afghanistan: NGO urges ICC not to forget Guantanamo crimes the CCR are currently being held in Guantanamo. Sharqawi Al Hajj from Yemen was arrested in Pakistan in 2002, then transferred to a secret…
Week in Review: Gambia, Mali, Tunisia and Iraq
...the victims of wars and dictatorships in transition countries. In Mali, where the security situation is worsening and divisions are undermining a fragile peace accord,…
Week in Review: African dictators cling to power, as Tunisia protests austerity again
...Congolese president may be emulated in Cameroon or Mali, where other presidents in trouble are also using the pretext of insecurity. In Mali, the President…
Was the destruction of Old Mostar Bridge a war crime?
...given cultural crimes a new resonance. It also comes after the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2016 sentenced Ahmad Al-Faqi Al-Mahdi, destroyer of the Timbuktu…
Children’s drawings as evidence of war crimes,” writes project coordinator Zérane Girardeau. “It is like an antidote to the indifference of habit, which ends up transforming horrors into background noise or…
Burundi's deadly crisis: A timeline
...perceived opponents. April 18: UN rights chief Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein says the youth wing is repeatedly calling for the rape and murder of opposition…
Week in Review: “Historic” judgment for Liberia and the ICC under more fire 2013 and its failure so far to prosecute rapes committed by Jihadists in northern Mali. These NGOs are demanding that the ICC extend its…
Liberian found guilty of war crimes-linked charges in “historic” US case
...Liberian victims who have been yearning for justice for too long,” said GJRP director Hassan Bility in Monrovia. “This case shows that Liberians do not…
Week in Review: Human rights activist awarded as dictators cling on
...commitment to the freedoms considered by the regime of President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as a threat to State security.” According to Bahey El Din Hassan…