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Total : 323 results found
Reintegration and reconciliation of a former ‘genocidaire’ in Rwanda - Photo: Hamenyimana poses in his field in the village of Remera.
Pascal Hamenyimana and the timid reintegration of a former “génocidaire”
...also and above all feed their cow. Installed in a small makeshift barn, a beautiful brindle cow chews the cud and lows from time to…
Syrian trial in Paris (France) - Obeida Dabbagh speaks to the press following the verdict of three high-ranking Syrian security officials found guilty, in their absence, of crimes against humanity (torture) committed against his brother and nephew.
Syrian trial: what to learn from this first default judgment On that day, Ali Mamlouk, Jamil Hassan and Abdel Salam Mahmoud, three heads of military intelligence for Bashar al-Assad’s regime, were found guilty of…
Syrian trial in France. Photo: Bashar al-Assad poster on a street in Damascus, Syria.
In France, a first Syrian trial “by default”
...of Bashar al-Assad", as he opened the list of witnesses - five called by the prosecution and five by the civil parties. A few dozen…
Nika Jeiranashvili tells how he went from international justice expert to wine expert in Georgia
Nika, the Georgian international justice repentant Côte d’Ivoire, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo, but they didn’t seem to realize that this was a different continent.” Then they went…
International Criminal Court (ICC) judge Antoine Kesia Mbe Mindua has disappeared. What impact will this have on the al-Hassan case in Mali?
Missing judge at the ICC: Al Hassan trial postponed indefinitely
While the London court was abuzz with speculation about a missing princess, at The Hague court the parties to the trial of the Malian Al…
Martin Schibbye is a journalist, one of the few covering the Lundin trial in Sweden. Photo: Schibbye stands alone at the entrance to courtroom 34 in Stockholm.
Martin Schibbye (journalist): “Sweden believed in Lundin”
...areas for our oil exploitation'. But Swedish law allows for the lowest level of intent, namely simple indifference to events. The prosecutor doesn't have to…
The story of how a Ukrainian drone helped a woman escape a war crime - Photo: Valeriya Bohomaz walks along a country road (aerial photo taken from the drone guiding her).
The Ukrainian drone that said “follow me”
...partnership with Ukrainian journalists. A first version of this article was published on the "Free Radio" website. Recommended reading Boutcha : neuf soldats russes condamnés…
Hearing before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Israel's occupation of Palestine, February 19, 2024. Photo: Philippe Sands develops his arguments from the Palestinian side.
Palestine’s plea against occupation
...occupation as is the annexation and colonization of the Palestinian territory.” They “feed off each other," she pleaded. She compared Israel’s policies to the “institutionalized…
Gibril Massaquoi was acquitted on appeal following a second trial in Finland.
Massaquoi affair: epilogue to a fiasco
...either for the crimes committed in the villages of Lofa, in the far north of Liberia, or for the torture of GJRP founder and director…
Sonko trial (Gambia) - Portrait of Baba Jobe inlaid into the decor of the courtroom at the Swiss federal court in Bellizone.
Sonko trial: who is responsible for the murder of Baba Jobe?
...said: “He did not tell me that but I knew that whatever David was doing, the minister was aware. David will feed the minister [with…