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Total : 323 results found
Persecuted Egyptian activist wins human rights award
...repression of the media, Bahey El Din Hassan continues. “President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi surpasses all his predecessors in terms of repression. He is targeting not…
Week in Review: Scandal at the ICC, questions on Burundi and Mali
...looks at recent Jihadist attacks on Christian places of worship in central Mali. He tells, for example, how armed men forced the door of the…
Scandal rocks International Criminal Court humanitarian law. Ocampo was working for American law firm Justice First, whose clients included Libyan businessman Hassan Tatanaki, formerly close to Gaddafi and now…
UN genocide warning in Central African Republic reflects powerlessness
...has brought growing lassitude and indifference on the part of the international community. The democratic election last year of President Faustin-Archange Touadéra raised high hopes…
Week in Review: Transitional justice challenges in Burundi, Myanmar and Mali
...horrific reports coming out of the area”. Another setback for transitional justice this week was in Mali, where the so-called Algiers peace accord of 2015…
Unchecked Abuses by the Malian Army, according to HRW
Mali and Burkina Faso military operations to counter the growing presence of Islamist armed groups in central Mali have resulted in serious human rights violations.…
Week in Review: A victory for rule of law in Africa?
...Guinea and Mali. “The decision of the Kenyan Supreme Court is a historic act, and it is also a strong sign of democratic culture taking…
Week in Review: Focus on reparations
The week in transitional justice was marked by the International Criminal Court’s decision on reparations to be paid following the 2012 destruction of mausoleums in…
Malian Jihadist ordered to pay 2.7 million Euros in reparations to Timbuktu victims
Judges of the International Criminal Court (ICC) handed down on Thursday August 17 their reparations order for the victims of Ahmed Al Mahdi. Al Mahdi,…
ICC to award damages for jihadist Timbuktu destruction will not be easy. Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi was jailed for nine years in 2016 after he pleaded guilty to directing attacks on the UNESCO…