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Total : 323 results found
Week in Review: DR Congo, Tunisia, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire
...that he can be brought swiftly to justice in a “fair and credible trial”. Mass graves in Mali In Mali, the UN mission (MINUSMA) said…
Guilt and denial at Tunisia’s Truth Commission hearings
...for the media, they have moved from criticizing Ben Sedrine and her choice of victims for public hearings – whom they say are “mostly Islamists”…
Constitutional row divides pre-election Mali
In Mali, the opposition and part of civil society are up in arms against a government plan to revise the Constitution. Opponents of President Ibrahim…
Week in Review: justice versus peace 
As the world celebrates International Justice Day this July 17, the peace versus justice debate continues in Uganda, the Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of…
Government cynicism and the transitional justice dream in crisis
...Argentina and Chile in the 1980s or South Africa in the 1990s. So we should not be surprised that Mali, where Jihadist groups are still…
At UN event, Russia fights back against "fake news" surrounding the battle for Aleppo which took place before and after Aleppo was safe from terrorists". Moscow was heavily criticised over its backing of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces…
Safe Havens, Innovations in the protection of cultural property
...of developments. Timbuktu Shrines On 27 September 2016, the International Criminal Court found Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi guilty of the war crime of attacking…
Remembrance: Can Mali learn from Germany?
...permit the employees of the prison to carry out academic research on how to make people denounce each other and/or make individual confessions.[7] Meanwhile in…
Rethinking customary law in Somaliland: specific jurisdiction for rape to promote post-conflict development
...formal justice sector recognise that to effectively address incidents of rape, perpetrators should be prosecuted. In 2013, the Attorney General, Hassan Ahmed Adan, issued a…
Week in Review: Gambia searches for justice, while Mali struggles with reconciliation
...who is now in exile. Meanwhile, people in Mali suspect that the new government has been formed not to push the stalled peace and reconciliation…