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Total : 323 results found
Mali’s opposition regrets armed groups not in new government
On April 11, less than a week after his appointment by President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta, Mali’s new Prime Minister Abdoulaye Idrissa Maïga published the names…
Week in Review: Focus on victims at the International Criminal Court
...New Zealand.” Still in Africa, Mali is having difficulties putting in place a viable reconciliation process, which is due to be sealed on March 27…
Justice for victims at heart of ICC credibility, says Open Society
...everything depends on the context. With regard to Al Mahdi [Ahmed Al Mahdi was sentenced in 2016 to 9 years in jail for war crimes…
Week in Review: Three African women in transitional justice
...Luis Moreno Ocampo, for whom she was long time Deputy. “In four and a half years she has opened two new cases -- Mali and…
ICC Prosecutor at a turning point
...she has opened two new cases -- Mali and Georgia -- and issued an arrest warrant against Malian Jihadist Ahmed Al Mahdi for war crimes.…
South Africa revokes decision to leave ICC: UN
...refusal to arrest visiting Sudan President Omar al-Bashir. The ICC had issued an arrest warrant for Bashir over alleged war crimes, but South African authorities…
S.African court rules against govt plan to pull out of ICC
...decision to pull out with the United Nations, following a dispute over Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visiting the country in 2015. South African authorities refused…
Week in Review: CAR and Gambia take positive steps on justice
...Rwanda (ICTR) Prosecutor Hassan Bubacar Jallow to head the Supreme Court, previously subjugated to ex-president Yayah Jammeh, but has also reversed Jammeh’s decision to pull…
Barrow appoints Gambian UN prosecutor as chief justice
...Yahya Jammeh. Hassan Bubacar Jallow has served in the appeals chamber of the Special Court for Sierra Leone and as a prosecutor of the International…
Week in Review:Judicial complaint in Spain against Syrian regime sets precedent
Is a first trial in Europe against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad likely? It looks more so after Spanish state prosecutor Javier…