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Total : 323 results found
New challenges for transitional justice on the path to peace
...become an essential part of processes to end conflict. In Colombia, the Central African Republic (CAR), Mali and elsewhere, peace agreements include transitional justice tools…
AU's 'ICC Withdrawal Strategy' Less than Meets the Eye
...meetings, Nigeria, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Malawi, Zambia, Tanzania, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, and Botswana have clearly spoken out…
Gao attack highlights fragility of Mali peace process
...French President François Hollande, who had just returned from a summit in Mali, expressed outrage at the attack and reaffirmed his country’s support for Mali’s…
Turkey jails a UN judge
...attend. It was with apparent indifference that Ankara met the summons of the MICT, the UN body charged with handling residual matters of the ad…
Targeted State killings abroad as a new form of war controversial. The widening of targets is turning this tactic into a specific way of waging war. Almost immediately after Al Qaeda attacked American soil…
Africa-France Summit Participants Should Stand With Victims
The Africa-France Summit, taking place Friday and Saturday in Bamako, Mali, offers an important moment for African countries and France to stand with victims of…
Week in Review: New technology and old hopes for transitional justice authorities sprang from the old regime, some judicial cases that could compromise the new government may never reach a conclusion`.” In Mali too, the…
Early release for two well-known Rwandan genocide convicts
...their request for early release. Ferdinand Nahimana and Father Emmanuel Rukundo, who were sentenced to 30 and 23 years respectively, have been held in Koulikoro,…
Hopes for justice in Mali after start of coup-leader’s trial
...national proceedings for ICC crimes in Mali,” the Gambian Prosecutor continued. Bensouda’s statement clearly alludes to the situation in Mali’s unstable north, where many victims…
Nuanced Memory in Rwanda and Uganda : Responsibilities of justice practitioners
...sense of validation by the post-conflict community by recognizing and symbolically redressing the harms they suffered (Hamber et al. 2010). According to a key report…