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Total : 323 results found
Mali: ‘Red Berets’ Trial Marks Progress in Tackling Impunity
(Dakar) – The trial of the leader of the 2012 coup in Mali, Gen. Amadou Haya Sanogo, and 17 co-defendants, including other members of the…
ASP 15: Five Recommendations to Strengthen the International Criminal Court
...the Court is expanding its international reach. This is a duty towards victims of international crimes who deserve no less". Shawan Jabarin, FIDH Vice President…
ICC: Defend Core Principles, says HRW
...the government violated its domestic and international legal obligations when it failed to arrest ICC fugitive President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan during his visit to…
This week in review: from Donald Trump to Libya, Tunisia and Burkina Faso
...stresses the concern of Amnesty International Secretary General Salil Shetty, who says he is “deeply concerned” by the apparent indifference of the President-elect on respect…
Africa Speaks Out Against ICC Withdrawal
...justice of the 21st century.” African civil society organizations—including the International Commission of Jurists – Kenya, the Mali Coalition for the ICC, and the Southern…
Could ICC withdrawal of South Africa and others spell more violence in Africa? launched an arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir, some governments – like in Burundi, which has also announced it is pulling out…
African lawyers back the ICC
...former ICTR Prosecutors Richard Goldstone and Hassan Bubacar Jallow, and former ICTR President and ex-UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay. Under these “Kilimanjaro…
Will South Africa’s move to quit ICC spark "Afrexit"?
...justice." Bashir case pushes Pretoria into anti-ICC camp South Africa was long a supporter of the ICC, even warning Sudanese President Omar Al Bashir of…
South African withdrawal from the ICC a deplorable departure from commitments to justice
...refused to arrest Sudanese President Al Bashir when he was present on South African territory earlier this year. Al Bashir is wanted by the ICC…
South Africa: Continent Wide Outcry at ICC Withdrawal
...obligations in not arresting ICC fugitive Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir in June 2015, when he visited South Africa. A government appeal was pending, but on…