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Total : 323 results found
Five questions on the ICC the Central African Republic, Uganda, Mali and the Democratic Republic of Congo were all referred to the ICC by the governments of those states.…
Africa in the dock at the ICC
...the right to judge him. - Mali - Malian jihadist Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi was sentenced to nine years for demolishing Timbuktu's fabled shrines in a…
Burundi lawmakers vote to quit ICC
...Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Uganda and Mali. According to the Rome Statute which established the court, any country which wants to…
Malian Jihadist gets nine years for destroying Timbuktu mausoleums
The International Criminal Court (ICC) on September 27 sentenced Malian Jihadist Ahmed Al Faqi Al Mahdi to nine years in jail after he pleaded guilty…
Malian jihadist jailed for Timbuktu attacks
...unpunished. In the first such case to focus on cultural destruction as a war crime, the International Criminal Court found Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi guilty of…
Gabon court upholds President Ali Bongo's election win feed if the country descends into chaos," he told AFP, expressing a widely held fear. "Judgement day" blared the headline in one newspaper, while…
The week in review : Malian jihadist’s trial cut short, disillusion in the CAR and hope for Colombia
The week in transitional justice was marked by the trial before the International Criminal Court of Malian jihadist Ahmed Al Faqi Al Mahdi, accused of…
ICC cuts Timbuktu mausoleum trial short
The International Criminal Court (ICC) wrapped up in three days the trial of Malian former Jihadist Ahmed Al Faqi Al Mahdi, who faces one charge…
Malian Jihadist who destroyed holy sites tells his story carry out the destruction. Ahmed Al Mahdi now speaks of this as a mistake and asks the people of Timbuktu to forgive “a son…
“Destruction of Cultural Heritage” At Heart of Mali Trial
The trial of Ahmed Al Faqi Al Mahdi, known as Abu Tourab, is to open on Monday August 22 at the International Criminal Court (ICC).…