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Total : 323 results found
Ahmad Al-Faqi al-Mahdi, Islamic enforcer of Timbuktu
Ahmad Al-Faqi Al-Mahdi, whose war crime trial in The Hague opens on Monday, is a quiet Koranic scholar turned ruthless enforcer for jihadists when they…
Five things to know about Mali's holy sites
...well as priceless ancient manuscripts from Timbuktu's golden age, to be idolatrous. On trial next week for his alleged role in spearheading the destruction is…
South Sudan: Killings, Rapes, Looting in Juba
...At the WFP warehouse alone, they stole 4,500 metric tons of food – enough to feed 220,000 people – as well as generators, air-conditioning, and…
After the North, Violence Hits Central Mali
...and the other the Malian Jihadist group Ansar Dine. In a July 6 report on Mali, the International Crisis Group (ICG) warns that “while attention…
Hissène Habré: From Head of State to Convicted Rapist
...Habré’s crimes did not mention it either. In the run-up to the trial, Khadidja Hassan Zidane, another victim of the Habré régime, let people know…
“Transitional justice is well-suited to the Central African Republic”
...Ndélé and indifference of the MINUSCA (UN mission) cantonment. He can count on solid friends in Chad, Sudan and in the Gulf States. The new…
The week in review: fighting impunity and "cultural cleansing"
...Malian Touareg Ahmed Al Faqi Al Mahdi (known as Abou Tourab), who was head of the Timbuktu Islamic morality brigade during the occupation of northern…
Syria, Mali and “Cultural Cleansing” as a Weapon of War
With Ahmad al Faqi al Mahdi due to go on trial in two months at the International Criminal Court (ICC) for destroying tombs in Timbuktu,…
The trial of Hissene Habre: a pivotal case for international justice in Africa
...ICC Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda rejects such criticism, stating that “Africa sought out the ICC, not the other way around.” Five African countries – Côte d’Ivoire,…
Week In Review: Interview with the ICC Prosecutor, Women and Slaves
...a woman.” These same taboos persist in Mali, where civil society is denouncing the slowness of transitional justice, owing to a lack of political will…