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Total : 323 results found
Mali’s Truth Commission Facing Delays
Mali’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (CVJR) was created over a year ago and put in place last October, but it has hardly started working.…
Central African Republic: Murder by Peacekeepers
...and my life has changed for the worse. I can’t feed my kids like before. I don’t have the strength to work as I did.…
African leaders and justice
...he remains imprisoned in Britain. MALI - MOUSSA TRAORE Overthrown in 1991 after 23 years in power, he was sentenced to death twice for "political…
The Week in Review: Rwanda and France
...the victims, who need to exorcize the massacres by telling what happened to them. This same issue of “speaking out” also exists in Mali, which…
Women Want Bigger Role in Mali Peace Process
Mali has just adopted a law introducing a 30% quota for women in public posts and electoral bodies. Women in Mali say they are determined…
What 50 War Criminals Have to Say about International Justice the prisons of Mali and Benin, as well as ICTR acquitted persons still living in the “safe house” in Arusha. He also went to…
A Perspective on Tunisia’s New Words and Civil Society
...solidarity networks remain widespread in the interior of the country,” says Sélim Ben Hassan, public reform expert for several international bodies. Instead, dozens of non-profit…
ICC's failure to try top Kenyan leaders spells 'doom': ex-PM
...Central African Republic, Uganda, Mali and Georgia. The 2007 post-election violence in Kenya broke out after Odinga, who was then the opposition leader and a…
Côte d’Ivoire’s Prisoners of the New Regime
...December 5, 2015, amid the general indifference of his jailers. Samba David was arrested with some 30 other people on September 13, 2015 for joining…
Timbuktu 'jihadist' to stand trial on war crimes charge: ICC
...of Timbuktu. The judges ruled they would "commit" Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi to trial for "the war crime of attacking buildings dedicated to religion…