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Total : 323 results found
Week in Review: Impunity in the Great Lakes, Truth and Justice in Mali and Germany
...this reputedly fearsome ex-warlord is still very popular. Elsewhere in Africa, the search for justice and truth is moving slowly in Mali. In an interview…
"Justice Must be for Everyone", Says Mali Truth Commission Vice-President
Jurist Nina Oualet Intallou from Kidal in northern Mali is First Vice-President of the country’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission. She is the daughter of…
For the Independence of the International Criminal Court
...Republic (CAR), Côte d’Ivoire and Mali all asked the ICC to intervene on their territory, it was not the Prosecutor that took the first step.…
Week in Review: A Historic Case for Mali and for Cultural Heritage
The transitional justice week was marked by confirmation of charges hearings at the International Criminal Court for Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, a Malian Islamist…
Victims’ Rights and Protection a Challenge for Justice in Mali
Victims are at the heart of Mali’s transitional justice process, aimed at shedding light on grave human rights abuses committed since independence in 1963, especially…
ICC Unveils War Crimes Charge for 'Callous' Timbuktu Attack
...stand up to the destruction and defacing of our common heritage," chief ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda as she unveiled a single war crimes charge against…
Why are Timbuktu's shrines revered and who destroyed them? week for his alleged role in spearheading the destruction is Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi, a member of Ansar Dine, a mainly Tuareg group which held…
Destruction of Timbuktu goes before ICC judges
...September by Mali's neighbour Niger. - Idolatrous - Ansar Dine, a mainly Tuareg group, held sway over Mali's desert north together with Al-Qaeda in the…
Burundi: Abductions, Killings Spread Fear
...on the ground in the courtyard. One of the policemen shouted at us: “You house and feed the combatants! Let Kagame (the President of Rwanda),…