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Total : 323 results found
Week in Review: Lebanon’s Missing Persons and Africa vs the ICC know what happened to their loved ones. Faced with the silence and indifference of the authorities, a Lebanese NGO, Act for the Disappeared, has…
Good and Bad Reasons for Africa’s Assault on the ICC
...Statute, founding treaty of the ICC, was an African country, Senegal, in 1999. Uganda, then the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the Central African Republic…
Prosecutor Wants Life in Jail for Ex-President of Chad
...victims. Beautier said rape, sexual slavery and prostitution were the lot of women in the prisons. This concurs with the testimony of Khadija Hassan Zidan…
Opinion : On Africa and the ICC, Don’t Buy All the Hype
...the most brutal crimes – war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide – but for the majority of investigations, African governments – Mali, Cote d’Ivoire,…
War Crimes Committed in Northern Mali in 2014 and 2015, says UN
Atrocities that may classify as war crimes were committed in northern Mali in May 2014 and May 2015 by armed groups and Malian security forces,…
Tunisia Five Years On: The Revolution "stopped In Sidi Bouzid"
...of 40,000 habitants, with its myriads of noisy, smoky cafés full of men: “Fédia Hamdi hit Bouazizi!”. The rumour, fuelled by reports in foreign media…
Fuelled by corruption, South Sudan war enters third year
...for building the road and gives half to officials. And officials manipulate the exchange rate – they feed off the differential between the market rate…
Was the UN’s Rwanda Tribunal Independent?
...of the late ex-president Juvénal Habyarimana’s plane over Kigali on April 6, 1994, the event that triggered the genocide. “It does not fall under our…
We must stop the erosion of International Humanitarian Law
...Mausoleum by armed groups in Syria and Mali respectively robs humanity of priceless treasures. We are pleased that for the first time the International Criminal…
Leading Rwandan genocide suspect arrested in DR Congo
...for Rwanda (ICTR), based in the northern Tanzanian town of Arusha. But his case was transferred to Rwanda in 2012, and the MICT prosecutor Hassan…