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Total : 323 results found
Trials behind closed doors - A growing trend in international courts. Photo:
A Silence Epidemic: when real trials are held behind closed doors…
...Ali Abd-Al-Rahman, also referred to as ‘Ali Kushayb’ by the prosecution. Al-Rahman is alleged to have been a Janjaweed militia leader in Darfur, Sudan, and…
Lundin trial in Sweden - Ian Lundin arrives in court on the opening day of the trial in Stockholm. He is suspected of complicity in war crimes in Southern Sudan.
Lundin, the trial that “should never have taken place”
...action they were requesting, and that their indifference in this regard made them complicit in war crimes. "They're discussing things that didn’t take place" In…
Klaus Hoffman (a German senior prosecutor of the Advisory Group for the Investigation of the Most Serious International Crimes in Ukraine) explains:
Klaus Hoffmann: “The problem of collaborators is not only legal, but also political”
...all these people were voluntarily involved in collaboration activities. It is a challenging task to separate those who were trying to earn some money and…
Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and his brother Maher are being prosecuted in France for complicity in crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Assad brothers charged with complicity in crimes against humanity
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, his brother Maher and two other generals, Ghassan Abbas and Bassam al-Hassan, are the subject of an international arrest warrant issued…
Herero genocide in Namibia - Propaganda painting showing German soldiers confronting Herero fighters.
A stroll into Germany’s conflicted postcolonial memory in silence and indifference. In 2023, there is not even a sign at the monument that explains German colonial rule or refers to the…
Abdoulaye Hissène accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic - Reading of a report
Central African Republic: Abdoulaye Hissène caught in Special Criminal Court
After failure to arrest Hassan Bouba, Abdoulaye Hissène is the second big fish to be caught by the Special Criminal Court, a hybrid tribunal sitting…
Will Wagner's war crimes remain unpunished before the ICC? - PMC Wagner Group logo
Prigozhin is dead, will Wagner’s crimes remain unpunished?
...thorough inquiry into the crash. Wagner PMC, active since at least 2014, has been linked to war crimes in Ukraine, Mali, Libya, Central African Republic…
Karim Khan, prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), visits a camp set up for victims of the conflict in Darfur, Sudan.
ICC: the never-ending nightmare of Darfur's victims representatives for the victims made their opening statements in the first trial before the International Criminal Court (ICC) concerning crimes committed in Darfur (Sudan).…
Alieu Kosiah was convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at his trial in Switzerland.
Appeals court convicts Liberian Alieu Kosiah of crimes against humanity
...testify three times in Switzerland in proceedings lasting over nine years. It's heroic," he exclaims. The other major player in this case is former Liberian…
Kober prison break in Sudan: is it an escape or a release? Suspects from the International Criminal Court (ICC) were held there before disappearing.
Sudan: who helped the ICC suspects break jail?
...some of the most important members of the National Congress Party (NCP), the backbone of Al-Bashir's military-Islamist regime. These include: vice-presidents Ali Osman Taha and…