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Total : 323 results found
Rwanda Tribunal Breaks Myth of Genocide Mastermind, says Lawyer
...imprisoned in Bamako, Mali, since July 2012, under an agreement between Mali and the UN. “I don’t have much contact with the Colonel,” says Constant.…
Eight Genocide Suspects still “At Large” as Rwanda Tribunal Closes the ICTR, by senior Zimbabwean officials. Other sources say he is dead. Kabuga, Bizimana and Mpiranya are “big fish”, according to ICTR Prosecutor Hassan…
...(RTLM), was sentenced to life imprisonment along with Hassan Ngeze, owner and director of the newspaper Kangura. Lawyer Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza, another RTLM founder, got 35…
This Week: States of Emergency and the Pope in CAR
Tension between security policies and individual freedoms this week continued to impact on justice and reconciliation processes. Three countries hit by terrorism, France, Mali and…
Mali Truth Commission To Hear Victims in Timbuktu
...55,000 inhabitants to flee to southern Mali or to Mauritania. Those who remained will never forget what they suffered during those months of occupation. The…
This Week: Paris, Bamako Attacks Raise Same Issues
...return of border controls throughout Europe, press freedom under pressure in Tunisia, and the reconciliation process in trouble in Mali. The effect of shock and…
...the testimony that caused the most drama was that of Khadija Hassan Zidane on October 19. She accuses Hissène Habré of having himself raped her…
Weekly Summary: Women and peace, plus African ex-Presidents facing justice is make our presence compulsory,” she said in an interview with JusticeInfo.Net. “I think they must agree to let us participate officially in the…
Joint patrols in view for northern Mali
...lasting peace between all the sons and daughters of Mali.” After long months of negotiations, the Algiers peace accord for Mali was signed by the…
...Mali where all members of the Truth and Justice Commission have now been appointed and can start work. The Commission’s deputy chairperson is Nina Wallet…