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Total : 323 results found
...(Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Mali), but it is far from being a haven of stability. Despite its rich natural resources (notably bauxite) it remains…
Transitional justice derailed
...tight electoral marathon, but it has been postponed until further notice, amid general indifference. Central Africans have other things to worry about right now. As…
...curly hair, addressed the Court in Arabic. “My name is Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi, from the Touareg Al Ansar tribe, and I was born…
Justice vs impunity, from Burkina to Colombia
Whether in Colombia, Burkina Faso, Mali or the Central African Republic, transitional justice, democracy and reconciliation advanced in fits and starts. The agreement reached between…
Vote limbo for Central African refugees
...Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Niger, in Mali’s presidential elections in 2013. But even this was just a small percentage of the estimated 73,000 Malian refugees…
Africa in the dock at the ICC
...- Mali - The ICC opened a probe in January 2013 into possible war crimes by armed groups during the conflict in Mali between northern…
Confronting the dictatorial past in Tunisia: The politicization of transitional justice
In Tunisia, soon after the fall of the Ben Ali regime in January 2011, the toolkit of transitional justice was almost immediately put in place.…
Mali Peace Accord Under Pressure
Two months after a peace accord for northern Mali was signed amid fanfare, the deal is looking extremely fragile. The Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA),…
What peace deal in Mali ?
...soldiers, five militants and five UN workers – two Ukrainians, a Nepalese, a South African and a Malian – died. Islamist fighters with ties to…
Born in Shining Path labor camps in Peru
...I wanted to escape, but I was afraid they would kill me," said the man, who was put to work farming crops to feed his…