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Total : 323 results found
Incitement to genocide in Ukraine - Anton Krasovsky sentenced
Ukrainian justice sanctions “incitement to genocide”
...Jean-Bosco Barayagwiza, a member of the radio's management committee, and Hassan Ngeze, former director of the newspaper Kangura, were convicted for the role their media…
Reparation for colonial crimes - Emmanuel Macron in Burkina Faso
Colonial crimes: the reparations movement stalls in Europe
...other restitutions have followed, although that museum has received official requests from Madagascar, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Mali and Chad, according to its website. Asked about…
Activists of the
How the eight « stateless » of the ICTR live in Niger
...are also a load of people who are in jail in Mali and Benin serving their sentences for genocide and other crimes having been sentenced…
Michel Landry Luanga, President of the Special Criminal Court (SCC) in the Central African Republic, delivers a speech during the inauguration of its premises in Bangui in 2020.
Central African Republic: Special Court "in the starting block" (2/2)
...conflict had taken refuge, killing 14 people. The trial of the defendants in this case (Hadiatou Gary, Abdel Kader Ali, Al Bachir Oumar and Amadou…
Toussaint Muntazini poses at his office at the Special Criminal Court (SPC) in the Central African Republic.
Toussaint Muntazini: "If they extend the Special Court mandate, they expect added value"
...of former rebel turned minister Hassan Bouba made a big impression. He was prosecuted for war crimes and crimes against humanity by the SCC, but…
Reparations on a mausoleum in Timbuktu, Mali, by Malian workers.
In Timbuktu, ICC reparations bring mixed feelings
...Court (ICC) in The Hague found Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi of Mali guilty of destroying Timbuktu mausoleums and sentenced him to nine years in prison. A…
Viktor Bout, a famous Russian arms dealer (who operated in Liberia), is seen in this photo behind bars (in 2010), imprisoned in Thailand. He may soon be released, exchanged for other prisoners.
Viktor Bout for Brittney Grinner: a prisoner exchange that forgets Liberia
...possible release is a dent in the quest for justice in Liberia,” says Hassan Bility, the executive director of Global Justice and Research Project (GJRP),…
Mikhail Kulikov trial, russian war prisonner
War crimes trial in Chernihiv: "There is an oath to carry out the commander's orders", before moving to her neighbour’s. After lunch, when it became quieter, she dared to return home and feed the chickens. That’s when she saw…
A group of people gather in the street, in Libya, in front of a poster showing 4 civilian victims of militias.
Justice in Libya: A road to hope or a road to nowhere?
...death), his son Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi (still at large) and Gaddafi’s former intelligence chief Abdullah Al-Senussi (case closed in 2014 when the Court declared it…
Prisoners of the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic held by Ukrainian forces
Inside courts where Ukrainian judges try Ukrainian POWs
...territories? - No. - [What about] to feed yourself? There’s plenty of footage of stealing chickens… - No, we did not partake in that. -…