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Total : 323 results found
Two Yemeni children take the last bags of food from a truck as part of a feeding program.
Starvation, a war crime never yet punished, in Ukraine and elsewhere
...Ethiopia, Mali, Myanmar, Nigeria, South Sudan, Syria, Yemen and now Ukraine. Warring parties have attacked humanitarian aid workers and farmers; stolen or slaughtered livestock; and…
Offices of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Windows in perspective.
The ICC at 20: elusive success, double standards and the “Ukraine moment”
...Syria, and the establishment of three independent investigative mechanisms for atrocities committed in Myanmar, Syria and by ISIL. These mechanisms build war-crimes cases and feed…
Paul Gicheru in videoconference at the closing hearing of his trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC)
Last stabs in the darkness at the ICC on the Kenyan case
...period of seven years, even persisting well after the supposed rewards had been received”, it said. “Confabulators of Olympic proportion” “Corrupted by tunnel-vision due to…
Gibril Massaquoi
Acquittal of Massaquoi: reality check for Finnish justice include crimes in Monrovia, causing an overreach and a rush to conviction that would eventually undermine the entire prosecution's case. But the personal involvement…
Collection of portraits (archives) of victims of the
Time’s ticking for Ethiopia’s Red Terror trial in the Netherlands
...on 8 June -- if Alemu is still alive. Recommended reading Dutch court to try Ethiopian for “Red Terror” crimes THIJS BOUWKNEGT Thijs Bouwknegt is…
3 prisoners in orange jumpsuits are sitting in the Special Criminal Court (Central African Republic). Magistrates, policemen, video camera.
Central African Republic: the long bumpy road towards the Special Criminal Court
...crisis of confidence. Five years after the arrival of the special prosecutor in Bangui in 2017, and five months after a humiliation in the Hassan…
Anta Guissé
Anta Guissé: "The Sankara trial is in line with history”
...There is the trial in the courtroom and what will come out of it to fuel debate outside. What you put forward in a court…
Russian soldiers (including a sniper) in Georgia. A Russian flag flutters in the wind.
Georgia, the ICC's testing ground for Ukraine
...(left), ex-Interior Minister; Gamlet Guchmazov (bottom), former director of a pre-trial detention centre; David Sanakoev (top), ex-Ombudsman. © CPI-ICC "The government of South Ossetia was…
A man holds a picture of Rafiq Hariri in his hands
Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s “second best justice”
On March 10 judges of the Appeals Chamber at the Special Tribunal for Lebanon reversed the earlier acquittal of two defendants. Hassan Habib Merhi and…
Drawing of Massamba Gueye
Massamba Gueye: “We need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission on restitutions between Africa and Europe” Senegal since the 1960s, he was never defeated, but mysteriously disappeared in the cliffs of Bandiagara [present-day Mali]. Just the return of this sword…