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Total : 323 results found
Aerial view of Pul-e Charkhi prison in Kabul, Afghanistan
Afghanistan: Challenges of trying a war crimes veteran in The Hague
...Razaq Rafief, on trial for war crimes for his alleged role as commander and head of the Political Affairs department at the Pul-e-Charki prison in…
Palestinian child standing in front of a gate without walls around it, in the middle of the ruins
Here is a way for international law to better help end conflicts (1/3)
...development, this not only will feed extremism, but will result in the eruption of one violent upheaval after another. The advancement of international criminal law,…
laboratoire deberlinisation
Restitutions: Senegal takes the African Union ‘lead’ the MCN. In France, requests received by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2019 come from seven countries: Senegal and Benin, whose requests have…
Gibril Massaquoi and his lawyers in the courtroom of Tampere (Finland)
Liberia: Massaquoi trial closes in Finland
...identity is more collective. That has to be taken into consideration.” But Gummerus said GJRP director Hassan Bility - who testified that he was tortured…
Hassan Bouba, Ali Darassa and other UPC rebels are gathered around a table
Hassan Bouba: a rebel minister before the Special Court
...against humanity by the Special Criminal Court. The arrest of Hassan Bouba, who had disarmed and acted as a mediator, raises many questions in Bangui.…
Ousmana Oumarou Sidibé, seated at his desk at the Truth Commission of Mali, answers questions from Justice Info
Reparations in Mali: hope or hot air?
Mali’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission has recommended a 100 million euro reparations programme for Malian victims. But where will the funding come from? Who…
Jean-Marc Sauvé submits his report to Eric de Moulins-Beaufort
Sexual abuse in the French Church: hundreds of thousands of victims
...even cruel indifference towards the victims," he said. Archbishop Eric de Moulins-Beaufort, president of the Bishops' Conference of France (CEF) which co-requested the report, expressed…
Theoneste Bagosora
Colonel Théoneste Bagosora is dead
Théoneste Bagosora, one of the main convicts for the 1994 genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda, died on 25 September in Bamako, Mali, where he was…
An outdoor trial with lawyers, military, civilians and the public standing around
In Congo, Mihonya trial shows link between environmental and war crimes Chance. These environmental crimes feed the armed groups in the forests and protected areas like Kahuzi-Biega National Park. Illegal mining in protected areas allows…
Someone is praying in a church
Rwanda: What should happen to priests convicted for genocide?
...that he was tried, convicted and served his sentence. It is here that he is rebuilding his life, amidst the hostility and indifference of some,…