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Total : 323 results found
Destroyed buildings in Homs, Syria
In France, the lengthy Syrian investigations
...accused by the two NGOs of having supplied electronic equipment used by the regime of Bashar Al-Assad in a vast operation of phone-tapping and surveillance…
Landscape of the region of Deir ez-Zor in Syria
Caught killing on camera in Deir ez-Zor
...Khedr denied this: “I swear by God I have more Alawite than Sunni friends.” Recommended reading Syria: Why Dutch prosecutors link terrorism and war crimes…
Amzat Boukari-Yabara
Amzat Boukari-Yabara: “France, the United States and Brazil are the main bad guys on this issue of reparations”
...American studies (Institut des hautes études de l’Amérique latine). He is the author of several books: "Nigeria" (De Boeck, 2013), "Mali" (De Boeck, 2014), "Africa…
Fatou Bensouda and Karim Khan walk side by side in the corridors of the International Criminal Court
Karim Khan takes over as ICC prosecutor
...judges she added events in Myanmar – a non-state party – to her list of investigations. She’s kicked off new court cases concerning Central African…
Gambia: Letter from the M’Bai family
...from Mr. Ceesay. The article in question can be found here: We reject the allegations in this letter that our correspondent in The Gambia…
Abd-al-Rahman at the ICC
Who is Abd-al-Rahman? for crimes committed in Darfur, former Sudan President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, is in prison in Khartoum after being deposed in 2019. ASYMMETRICAL HAIRCUTS This…
Fafa Mbai
Gambia: When “legal junglers” defend their role under military rule the appointment of Mbai as Justice Minister. Her former boss Hassan Jallow—today Gambia’s Chief Justice—was in military detention with a number of top officials of…
Youssef Babiker Kafi, Sudan
Sudan: Transitional justice in quarantine
...power sharing between the military and civilians, "provides for a commission to work on the issue of atrocities committed by the regime of Omar Al-Bashir.…
Salle d'audience du procès Massaquoi (Liberia)
Massaquoi: Please hide this trial from Liberians
...much noise. "Liberia is a tricky terrain," says Hassan Bility, director of the Global Justice Research Project, the Liberian NGO whose work has led to…
Judge Carmel Agius (IRMCT)
No release for Bagosora reflects sentencing policy switch
Colonel Théoneste Bagosora, the most high profile convict of the UN’s former International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, will have to continue serving his 35-year prison…