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Total : 323 results found
Gibril (Gabriel) with the angel Gabriel in the background
Massaquoi Trial: The appearance of Angel Gabriel
Hassan Bility was the first to say that Gibril Massaquoi was known as “Angel Gabriel”. Up until 2018, he was the only one. His testimony…
Military parade in the presence of Bashar al-Assad
Austria: High-potential investigations on Syria crimes
...investigating at least two major Syrian cases, which could lead to the prosecution of senior officials of the Al-Assad regime. Josef was 13 years old…
Camara brothers testify before the Trutch commission (Mali)
Mali: “The victims speak, the Truth Commission should act"
...historic plunge for the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (CVJR) into the early years of independent Mali. The fate of Fily Dabo Sissoko and Hamadoun…
Ntaganda + Gbagbo + Al Mahdi (ICC - CPI)
Ntaganda, Gbagbo, Al-Mahdi: decoding two appeal decisions and a symbolic reparation at the ICC
...of the conviction of Congolese militia leader Bosco Ntaganda, and the distribution of a symbolic one euro reparation in the case of the jihadist Al-Mahdi…
Felicien Kabuga before the Mechanism for International Tribunals
Why Kabuga is no longer accused of importing machetes for genocide
...during the trial, former defence minister Augustin Bizimana died on the run, and former education minister André Rwamakuba was acquitted. On October 1, 2004, Gambian…
Kweku Vanderpuye, lead prosecutor in the second Central African trial (ICC)
CAR-II: ICC prosecutor bets to demonstrate plans in a messy civil war
...accused of raping and murdering civilians. It ended with the acquittal of their commander, Jean-Pierre Bemba, a former vice-president of Congo. For Thijs Bouwknegt, historian…
War decay in Tskhinvali (South Ossetia / Georgia)
Georgia: Focus on Bensouda’s flagship probe five years on (2/2)
...the Assembly of States Parties on 3 December 2019. © CPI-ICC Suspects identified Justice Minister Thea Tsulukiani noted this in a letter to Bensouda on…
Procès du général Amadou Haya Sanogo (au centre)
Mali: these crimes that can never be tried
...dizzying list of obstacles to justice in Mali: dangers faced by law officers and judicial personnel; risks faced by victims and witnesses; disorganization of the…
Syrian civilian riding his bike through the street near the remains of a car bomb explosion
Sweden on the frontline with Syria cases
...a soldier of the regime In September 2017, the conviction of a former soldier in Bashar Al-Assad's army once again propelled Swedish justice to the…
Dominic Ongwen at the ICC
ICC: How to interpret Ongwen's conviction?
...decipher in this timely podcast with no more than four top experts: Thijs Bouwknegt, Kjell Anderson, Sharon Nakandha, Mark Drumbl. To listen to the podcast,…