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Total : 323 results found
Special Tribunal for Lebanon: The mountain that gave birth to a mouse
...negotiations with the UN on the establishment of the STL – revealed on a popular talk-show that he shared every draft of the STL statute…
Lebanon: STL symbolically sentences Ayyash to life imprisonment
...that killed the Sunni billionaire politician and injured 226 others. Ayyash remains on the run, with Hassan Nasrallah, the head of the Shiite Hezbollah movement,…
Truth Commission: "Mali hears you, the world is watching"
Mali’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) held its second public hearing in the capital Bamako on December 5 under the theme "Attacks on the…
ICC Trust Fund: The black hole
...trial chamber nudged us to that,” De Baan explained. The latest reparations case came in after Islamist Ahmad al-Faqi Al-Mahdi pled guilty to destroying holy…
Trial of Liberian Alieu Kosiah opens in Switzerland
...Hassan Bility, director of the Liberian NGO Global Justice and Research Project, the local partner of Civitas Maxima. A situation that, in his eyes, is…
Belgium: the money changer, the militiaman and the Rwandan academic
...cases back to the countries where crimes took place, and where witnesses live”, says Thijs Bouwknegt, a historian at the  NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust…
How does the ICC Al Hassan trial start, and for whom?
Al Hassan, a former member of the Islamic police in Timbuktu, is the second Malian jihadist on trial at the International Criminal Court, six thousand…
ICC: Last chance to de-quarantine justice for Mali
...They include incriminating police reports with Al Hassan’s signature on them. The Prosecution also has a crucial insider in its custody: Ahmed Al Faqi Al…
In Mali, Al Hassan trial provokes both fear and indifference
...of the accused. Even if the charges against "Al Hassan" are serious, he remains perceived as a simple "executor". After the trial of Ahmad Al…
Rwanda: what’s at stake in the Kabuga trial the judges. To consolidate investigations, Belgian judge Damien Vandermeersch recommended in 1999 "increased control by the prosecutor" [,224-lang=fr.html ] and the introduction of the…