International Criminal Court (ICC) - News and expert analyses

The only permanent international criminal court

Take a deep dive into the world of the International Criminal Court (ICC) with our news articles and expert analyses. Based in The Hague in the Netherlands, it was founded by the Rome Statute (international treaty signed by 120 States in 1998). Active since the ratification of the treaty in 2002 (by 60 States), it is responsible for judging those accused of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes of aggression and war crimes. Sometimes criticized for its lack of results (judgments), its functioning or its budget, its investigations are often considered as means of political or diplomatic pressure. Justice Info deciphers the incessant flow of information that revolves around the world's most mediatized court.

ICC Prosecutor’s election: in December, “potentially no candidate will be nominated”

Four weeks ahead of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the International Criminal Court, no agreement has been reached on a candidate to succeed Fatou Bensouda as Prosecutor. Yesterday 15 November, the ASP Secretariat announced their decision to go back to the initial list of (14) candidates. In an interview with Patryk Labuda, Justice […]
By Franck Petit
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